Mission Statement

To extend the love and teachings of Jesus Christ… One seed at a time.

Vision Statement

Discover God's perfect plan made just for you

At The Core

1. Jesus is at the center

In order to be successful at anything, Jesus must be at the center of our lives

2. The Word

Our relationship with God is built upon His word.

3. Give God our best

When we give God our best, we will find excellence instead of average.

4. Value for one another

We value each other as God values us. We are family.

5. Efficiency

Our time on this earth is limited, we can do more by doing less really well.

6. Never settling

We are always improving, taking action to grow in our walk with God.

7. Synergy

Unified together, we will to continue to grow as a church and reach the world.

8. Servant attitude

Staying teachable is how we maintain an unconditional outlook.

9. Leaving our mark

Building up His name by promoting what we do in a uniquely identifiable way.

10. Gratefulness

Remembering His sacrifice, we keep our minds focused on the purpose God has set before us

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